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26 Results

December 21, 2023

How higher interest rates affect inflation

When the Bank of Canada changes its policy interest rate, it affects every part of the economy – but that does not happen all at once. Learn more about how raising and lowering interest rates takes effect through the monetary policy transmission mechanism.
July 4, 2022

Household differences and why they matter

Differences in income, wealth and debt across households are important—for the economy, for the health of the financial system and for monetary policy.
August 25, 2020

Our COVID-19 response: Large-scale asset purchases

The Bank of Canada has taken many actions to support Canadians since the COVID-19 pandemic struck. These include large-scale asset purchases—buying a substantial amount of government bonds and other financial assets. Our purchases serve two purposes. They help key financial markets work properly, and they can help increase spending in the economy. This leads to more employment and stronger economic growth.
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