Social media

The Bank of Canada (the “Bank”) recognizes that social media platforms represent important tools for providing information about our programs and services.

The Bank is available on the following platforms:

Terms of Use: Accessing the Bank’s Social Media

This document has been written to explain how the Bank interacts with the public through social media. We invite you to use our social media channels to learn more about who we are and what we do.

Information About the Bank’s Social Media

Management of Accounts. Our social media accounts are maintained by the Bank and are typically monitored during regular business hours, unless otherwise indicated.

Communication. While social media platforms provide an opportunity to engage in dialogue, our communications staff may not reply or acknowledge comments or inquiries made through social media. Any response that may be provided is only intended to provide helpful information and is not to be considered definitive advice. Should a response be made, the Bank will respond in the official language in which the comment or inquiry was posted. If you have questions or concerns around a specific issue, we encourage you to contact the Bank directly. You can contact us online, by telephone, or by mail.

Accessibility. Social media platforms are not bound by official policies for Web accessibility.

Links. The Bank’s social media accounts may post or display links for sites that are not under our control. These links are provided solely for the convenience of users. The Bank of Canada is not responsible for the information found through these links, nor does it endorse the sites or their content.

No Endorsement. The Bank may "follow," "favourite", "subscribe", “like” or “post” another social media account. Similarly, we may share (e.g., re-tweet, repost or link) content from another account or user. Such action does not imply an endorsement of that account, user, channel, page or site.

Bank Employees. Bank employees may have accounts on one or more social media platforms. Despite their professional affiliation with the Bank, the Bank takes no responsibility for the content of its employees’ personal social media accounts. Similarly, any comments made by employees on any social media platform do not represent the Bank’s official position.

Official Languages. The Bank of Canada observes the Official Languages Act and is committed to ensuring that our information is available in both French and English and that both versions are of equal quality. However, please note that third-party content, shared through a Bank social media account, may only be available in the language in which it was originally shared or written.

Privacy. To the extent that personal information is collected by the Bank, such information is protected under the Privacy Act. For further information about the Bank of Canada’s privacy practices, please consult the Bank’s General Privacy Policy.

Data Analysis. The Bank may use information provided on social media for statistical or analytical purposes. In doing so, all identifiers (e.g., names, handles or specific personal data) will be removed.

Availability. The computer servers making social media platforms available are managed and operated by third parties. Because social media accounts are subject to downtime that is out of the Bank’s control, we accept no responsibility for platforms becoming unresponsive or unavailable.


The Bank’s social media accounts are not hosted on Bank of Canada sites and your use of a social media platform is subject to the platform’s terms and conditions of use. You are encouraged to carefully review them.

Our social media accounts are publicly accessible, and posts are visible to the public. To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include personal information about yourself or anyone else in any comments you post.

We ask that comments made on the Bank’s social media accounts be relevant and respectful. The Bank reserves the right to moderate and delete any comments that we feel are inappropriate, and to ban or block users to prevent further inappropriate comments. Examples of inappropriate comments include those that:

  • Are contrary to the principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Express hatred or intolerance for people based on physical appearance, race, ethnicity, gender or gender identity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability, or the promotion of organizations with such views.
  • Contain content that is disrespectful, libellous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, inflammatory, depicts violence, or explicit content that contains obscenities or profanity.
  • Constitute the advertising or promotion of products or services for sale.
  • Mislead as to your identity or the origin of posted content, or falsely claim to represent a person, organization or entity.
  • Refer to or encourage criminal or illegal activity.
  • Violates intellectual property rights.
  • Are repetitive, unintelligible or irrelevant.
  • Contain personal information.
  • Are made in a language other than English or French.

The Bank:

  • Is not responsible for comments other than our own.
  • Does not endorse views or comments posted by social media users.
  • Does not verify or confirm the accuracy of user comments.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability

Your access to and use of one or more of the Bank’s social media accounts and the contents found on those accounts (“Accounts”) is at your own risk. These Accounts are provided “as is” and the Bank cannot guarantee that all information is current or accurate.

The Bank and its employees will not be liable for any loss or damages of any nature, either direct or indirect, arising from use of the information provided or connected with our social media sites, or information provided at any other site that can be accessed from our social media sites.

The Bank does not make, and expressly disclaims, any representations, warranties, covenants and conditions, express or implied, arising out of the operation of law, course of performance, or otherwise, including any express or implied warranties and conditions relating to (i) the uninterrupted, virus-free or error-free use of social media platforms; or (ii) the accuracy, currency, reliability, completeness or appropriateness of the Bank’s content on social media platforms.

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