Research staff

Profiles of the Bank’s research staff, featuring their publications, education and research fields.


Alma Mater


Research Fields

98 result(s)

Michael Irwin

Michael Irwin is a Senior Economist in the Financial Stability Department at the Bank of Canada.

Monica Jain

Monica Jain is a Principal Researcher in the Monetary Policy Analysis and Research division of the Financial Markets Department at the Bank of Canada.

Janet Hua Jiang

Janet Jiang is the Research Director of the Research Team in the Banking and Payments Department.

Serdar Kabaca

Serdar Kabaca is the Director of Model Development and Research in the Financial Stability Department.

Iskander Karibzhanov

Iskander Karibzhanov
Iskander Karibzhanov is a Senior Economist in the International Economic Analysis Department at the Bank of Canada.

Olena Kostyshyna

Olena Kostyshyna is a Principal Researcher in the Canadian Economic Analysis (CEA) Department.

Oleksiy Kryvtsov

Oleksiy Kryvtsov is the Senior Research Officer in the Economic and Financial Research Department.

Martin Kuncl

Martin Kuncl is a Principal Researcher in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department at the Bank of Canada.
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