March 28, 2017
Trade integration
Producer Heterogeneity, Value-Added, and International Trade
Standard new trade models depict producers as heterogeneous in total factor productivity. In this paper, I adapt the Eaton and Kortum (2002) model of international trade to incorporate tradable intermediate goods and producer heterogeneity in value-added productivity. -
November 16, 2016
Follow the Money: A Canadian Perspective on Financial Globalization
Deputy Governor Timothy Lane discusses the benefits and challenges of international capital mobility. -
November 8, 2016
Wood, Wheat, Wheels and the Web: Historical Pivots and Future Prospects for Canadian Exports
Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri discusses the historical evolution and future prospects for Canadian exports. -
The Paul Storer Memorial Lecture—Cross-Border Trade Integration and Monetary Policy
In this paper we explore the nexus between cross-border trade integration and monetary policy. We first review the evidence that trade liberalization has increased the degree of integration in North America and conclude that, while robust structural inferences remain elusive, there is sufficient supporting evidence for central banks to treat the issue seriously. -
September 26, 2016
Cross-Border Trade Integration and Monetary Policy
Governor Stephen S. Poloz discusses global trade integration and the implications for the conduct of monetary policy. -
September 20, 2016
Living with Lower for Longer
Governor Stephen S. Poloz talks about the adjustments that savers and companies need to make in response to low interest rates, and economic policies that can help. -
April 26, 2016
A New Balance Point: Global Trade, Productivity and Economic Growth
Governor Stephen S. Poloz talks about slowing international trade growth and the implications for productivity and the global economy. -
April 5, 2016
China’s Great Transition: What It Means for Canada
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins discusses the risks and opportunities for Canada of China’s economic transition. -
September 21, 2015
Riding the Commodity Cycle: Resources and the Canadian Economy
Governor Poloz speaks about cycles in commodity prices and how Canada has used its endowment of natural resources to build a prosperous economy.