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5 Results

An Overview of Indigenous Economies Within Canada

Staff Discussion Paper 2023-25 Alex Chernoff, Calista Cheung
Several measures suggest economic outcomes have improved for Indigenous Peoples in recent decades. Yet, institutional settings and gaps in infrastructure and financing continue to hinder their economic progress. Recent efforts have helped address some data gaps, and new institutions are helping Indigenous communities to overcome historic barriers to growth.

Overlooking the online world: Does mismeasurement of the digital economy explain the productivity slowdown?

Staff Analytical Note 2021-10 Alejandra Bellatin, Stephanie Houle
Since the mid-2000s, labour productivity has slowed down in Canada despite enormous technological advances that were expected to improve it. This note investigates whether mismeasurement of the digital economy can explain this paradox.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff analytical notes Topic(s): Productivity JEL Code(s): E, E0, E01, L, L8, L86, O, O3, O33, O4, O5, O51

GDP by Industry in Real Time: Are Revisions Well Behaved?

Staff Analytical Note 2018-40 Patrick Rizzetto
The monthly data for real gross domestic product (GDP) by industry are used extensively in real time both to ground the Bank of Canada’s monitoring of economic activity and in the Bank’s nowcasting tools, making these data one of the most important high-frequency time series for Canadian nowcasting.