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Daily Digest

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All Bank of Canada exchange rates are indicative rates only, obtained from averages of aggregated price quotes from financial institutions. For details, please read our full Terms and Conditions.
Exchange Rates 2024-09-052024-09-06 +/-
USD/CAD1.35141.3545 +0.0031
CAD/USD0.74000.7383 -0.0017
Daily Nominal Canadian Effective Exchange Rates1118.16117.86 -0.30
Daily Nominal CEER versus Major Currencies110.65110.39 -0.26
Daily Nominal CEER versus Other Important Trading Partners140.93140.49 -0.44
Daily Nominal CEER excluding the U.S. dollar125.69125.33 -0.36
Money Market 2024-09-042024-09-05 +/-
Overnight Money Market Financing Rate24.5103%-- --
Target for the overnight rate4.50%4.25% -0.25
Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (CORRA) (%)4.5400%4.2900% -0.2500
Treasury bills - 1 month34.12%4.13% +0.01
Inflation 2024-062024-07 +/-
Inflation-control target range 1-31-3 --
Total consumer price index42.7%2.5% -0.2
CPI-trim42.8%2.7% -0.1
CPI-median42.6%2.4% -0.2
CPI-common42.3%2.2% -0.1
Interest Rates 2024-08-282024-09-04 +/-
Prime rate6.70%6.70% 0.00
Bond Yields 2024-09-042024-09-05 +/-
Government of Canada marketable bonds - Average yield - Over 10 years3.12%3.10% -0.02
Government of Canada benchmark bond yields - 3 year3.05%3.04% -0.01
Real return bond - Long-term1.44%1.43% -0.01
  1. 1. Canadian effective exchange rate[]
  2. 2. The OMMFR is an estimate of the collateralized overnight rate compiled at the end of the day by the Bank of Canada through a survey of major participants in the overnight market.[]
  3. 3. The 1 month treasury bill yield presented is an average of sample secondary market yields taken throughout the business day.[]
  4. 4. 12-month per cent change[]