Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average

View or download the latest data for CORRA, Canada’s risk-free rate and the CORRA Compounded Index.

CORRA measures the cost of overnight general collateral funding in Canadian dollars using Government of Canada treasury bills and bonds as collateral for repurchase transactions. The Bank provides CORRA as a public good, at no cost to users and data distributors. See also:

The CORRA Compounded Index is a measure of the cumulative impact of CORRA compounding over time, starting from a base value of 100 on June 12, 2020. The index can be used to calculate CORRA compounded between any two dates. This index is provided for informational purposes only. See the CORRA Compounded Index methodology and usage.

Recent data: CORRA

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Published every business day between 9:00 and 11:00 ET.

2025-02-27 2025-02-28 2025-03-03 2025-03-04 2025-03-05
Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average (CORRA) (%) 2.9900 3.0000 3.0100 3.0300 3.0200
Total dollar trading volume of all trades eligible for CORRA ($) 55,402,755,525 59,000,732,709 62,248,598,446 54,031,503,068 48,958,466,222
Trimmed dollar volume of trades eligible for CORRA ($) 41,552,066,644 44,250,549,532 46,686,448,834 40,523,627,301 36,718,849,666
Number of unique data submitters for CORRA 15 14 15 14 14
Rate at which daily CORRA trading volume is trimmed (%) 2.9800 2.9800 2.9900 2.9800 2.9900
Rate at 5th percentile of the trimmed trading volume (%) 2.9800 2.9900 2.9900 2.9900 3.0000
Rate at 25th percentile of the trimmed trading volume (%) 2.9900 2.9900 3.0000 3.0100 3.0200
Rate at 75th percentile of the trimmed trading volume (%) 3.0000 3.0500 3.0500 3.0500 3.0700
Rate at 95th percentile of the trimmed trading volume (%) 3.0900 3.0900 3.1000 3.1000 3.1000
Publication status Published Published Published Published Published
Calculation methodology Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

Note: Revised data are marked with an R.

Recent data: CORRA Compounded Index

Our Valet API is designed to help you integrate your applications and processes with our data. For details, please see our documentation.

Published every business day at 11:30 ET.

CORRA Compounded Index112.80525084112.83306584112.84237070112.85173816112.86107548


Obtain the Daily Compounded CORRA rate (%) for a selected observation period. This rate can be used to calculate the interest amount for a security, such as a floating rate note or for a loan, a derivative or a financial contract that references CORRA. See the methodology and recommended conventions for details.