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September 5, 2003

Spruce Meadows Roundtable

Remarks David Dodge Spruce Meadows Roundtable Spruce Meadows, Alberta
Canada's reliance on foreign trade has required us to be active internationalists for decades. Louis Rasminsky, who went on to become Governor of the Bank of Canada, was one of Canada's delegates at the Bretton Woods Conference that led to the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Rasminsky played an important role, formal and informal, at the talks.
June 18, 2003

Recent Economic Developments and the Conduct of Monetary Policy

Remarks David Dodge Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce Halifax, Nova Scotia
It's been a year since I last spoke in Halifax, and a lot has changed since then. We've witnessed some extraordinary events, both in Canada and around the world. On the whole, Canada's economy has withstood the turmoil quite well. The impact of some more recent events is not yet clear.
June 12, 2003

Recent Economic Developments and the Conduct of Monetary Policy

Remarks David Dodge Conseil du patronat du Québec Montréal, Quebec
I want to talk to you about the Canadian economy - how it has evolved over the past few months and what are the prospects ahead. In doing so, I will review the economic forecast from our latest Monetary Policy Report, which we published in April. Then I will talk about what has changed since that time.
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