Oleksandr Shcherbakov - Latest
Welfare Analysis of Equilibria With and Without Early Termination Fees in the US Wireless Industry
The elimination of long-term contracts and early termination fees (ETFs) in the US wireless industry at the end of 2015 increased monthly service fees by 2 to 5 percent. Nevertheless, consumers are clearly better off without ETFs. While firms’ revenues from ETFs vanish, their profits from monthly fees increase. As a result, the overall effect on producer profits is less clear. -
Demand for Payment Services and Consumer Welfare: The Introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency
Using a two-stage model, we study the determinants of Canadian consumers’ choices of payment method at the point of sale. We estimate consumer preferences and adoption costs for various combinations of payment methods. We analyze how introducing a central bank digital currency would affect the market equilibrium. -
Explaining the Interplay Between Merchant Acceptance and Consumer Adoption in Two-Sided Markets for Payment Methods
Recent consumer and merchant surveys show a decrease in the use of cash at the point of sale. Increasingly, consumers and merchants have access to a growing array of payment innovations as substitutes for cash. -
Firm-level Investment Under Imperfect Capital Markets in Ukraine
This paper develops and estimates a model of firm-level fixed capital investment when firms face borrowing constraints. -
Identifying the Degree of Collusion Under Proportional Reduction
Proportional reduction is a common cartel practice in which cartel members reduce their output proportionately. We develop a method to quantify this reduction relative to a benchmark market equilibrium scenario and relate the reduction to the traditional conduct parameter.