René Garcia - Latest
Bond Liquidity Premia
Recent asset pricing models of limits to arbitrage emphasize the role of funding conditions faced by financial intermediaries. In the US, the repo market is the key funding market. Then, the premium of on-the-run U.S. Treasury bonds should share a common component with risk premia in other markets. -
Assessing and Valuing the Non-Linear Structure of Hedge Fund Returns
Several studies have put forward the non-linear structure and option-like features of returns associated with hedge fund strategies. -
The Canadian Macroeconomy and the Yield Curve: An Equilibrium-Based Approach
The authors develop and estimate an equilibrium-based model of the Canadian term structure of interest rates. -
State Dependence in Fundamentals and Preferences Explains Risk-Aversion Puzzle
The authors examine the ability of economic models with regime shifts to rationalize and explain the risk-aversion and pricing-kernel puzzles put forward in Jackwerth (2000). -
The Stochastic Discount Factor: Extending the Volatility Bound and a New Approach to Portfolio Selection with Higher-Order Moments
The authors extend the well-known Hansen and Jagannathan (HJ) volatility bound. HJ characterize the lower bound on the volatility of any admissible stochastic discount factor (SDF) that prices correctly a set of primitive asset returns. -
Modelling Risk Premiums in Equity and Foreign Exchange Markets
The observed predictability of excess returns in equity and foreign exchange markets has largely been attributed to the presence of time-varying risk premiums in these markets. For example, excess equity returns were found to be explained by various financial and economic variables.