Darcey McVanel - Latest
Price Movements in the Canadian Residential Mortgage Market
The authors empirically analyze the price-setting behaviour of the major Canadian banks in the residential mortgage market over the period 1991–2007. They use weekly posted prices of the major mortgage providers to study the degree of competition in mortgage price setting. -
Financial Constraints and the Cash-Holding Behaviour of Canadian Firms
The proportion of assets held by the average Canadian firm in the form of cash has increased steadily since the early 1990s, and is now roughly twice as large as in 1990. The literature has established that the cash-holding behaviour of firms is highly correlated with financial constraints and firm characteristics. -
March 1, 2006
A Primer on Canada’s Large Value Transfer System
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of Canada’s Large Value Transfer System (LVTS). -
The Impact of Unanticipated Defaults in Canada's Large Value Transfer System
Canada's Large Value Transfer System (LVTS) is designed to meet international risk-proofing standards at a minimum cost to participants in terms of collateral requirements. -