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February 6, 2024

Monetary policy: It’s perfectly imperfect

Speech summary Tiff Macklem Montreal Council on Foreign Relations Montréal, Quebec
Governor Tiff Macklem speaks about the effectiveness—and limitations—of monetary policy. He highlights how raising and lowering the policy interest rate ultimately keeps inflation low, stable and predictable, despite significant shocks to the economy.
December 15, 2023

Lessons learned and looking ahead

Speech summary Tiff Macklem Canadian Club Toronto Toronto, Ontario
In his year-end remarks, Governor Tiff Macklem discusses how lessons learned from recent economic volatility are reshaping the way the Bank of Canada conducts economic analysis and communicates with the public.
November 22, 2023

Fighting to get back to low inflation

Speech summary Tiff Macklem Saint John Region Chamber of Commerce Saint John, New Brunswick
Governor Tiff Macklem outlines how high inflation is hurting Canadians and how monetary policy is working to bring it down. He also explains why the Bank of Canada must stay the course in its inflation fight.
September 7, 2023

Staying the course

Speech summary Tiff Macklem Calgary Chamber of Commerce Calgary, Alberta
Speaking a day after we decided to maintain the policy interest rate at 5%, Governor Tiff Macklem explores some key factors behind the decision. He also explains why the 2% inflation target supports a stable economy and greater prosperity for households and businesses.
October 6, 2022

Restoring price stability for all Canadians

Speech summary Tiff Macklem Halifax Chamber of Commerce Halifax, Nova Scotia
Governor Tiff Macklem explains how inflation in Canada reflects more and more what’s happening with domestic demand and what the Bank is watching as it works to bring inflation back to the 2% target.
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