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The Economics of Payments VI Workshop

NOTE: The papers listed here are reproduced as submitted by their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Bank of Canada. Papers submitted by persons not in the employ of the Bank of Canada may be subject to the copyright policies of the submitters' organizations and/or countries, and therefore should not be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the author(s). Papers are presented in the language of the authors only.

"Central Counterparty Clearing: Incentives, Market Discipline and the Cost of Collateral"

Author: Thorsten V. Koeppl

"Information insensitive securities: the benefits of Central Counterparties"

Authors: Francesca Carapella, David C. Mills

"Interchange fees and innovation in payment systems"

Authors: Marc Bourreau, Marianne Verdier

"An Empirical Analysis of Payment Card Pricing in China"

Authors: Chun-Yu Ho, Li Xu

"Payment choice with Consumer Panel Data"

Authors: Michael Cohen, Marc Rysman

"Steering Consumer Payment Choice"

Authors: Tamás Briglevics, Oz Shy

"Repo runs: Evidence from the tri-party repo market"

Authors: Adam Copeland, Antoine Martin, Michael Walker

"Testing Interchange Fee Models Using The Australian Experience"

Author: Allan Shampine

"Interchange Fees: Regulations and Implications"

Author: Wilko Bolt

"Interchange Fees: Regulations and Implications - Discussion"

Author: Wilko Bolt

Content Type(s): Conferences and workshops