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2 Results

House Prices, Consumption and the Role of Non-Mortgage Debt

Staff Working Paper 2013-2 Katya Kartashova, Ben Tomlin
This paper examines the relationship between house prices and consumption, through the use of debt. Using unique Canadian household-level data that reports the uses of debt, we begin by looking at the relationship between house prices and debt.

Assembling a Real-Financial Micro-Dataset for Canadian Households

Staff Working Paper 2010-6 Umar Faruqui
The lack of consolidated Canadian micro data on household balance sheets and expenditures has been an important impediment to empirical research into real-financial linkages in the Canadian household sector. Our paper attempts to fill this data gap by merging household balance sheet data from the Canadian Financial Monitor survey with household expenditure data from the Survey of Household Spending.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Sectoral balance sheet JEL Code(s): C, C8, C81, D, D1, D10