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Monetary aggregates


M1+ (gross):

Currency outside banks plus personal and non-personal chequable deposits held at chartered banks plus all chequable deposits at trust and mortgage loan companies, credit unions and caisses populaires (excluding deposits of these institutions) plus continuity adjustments.

M1++ (gross):

M1+ (gross) plus non-chequable notice deposits held at chartered banks plus all non-chequable deposits at trust and mortgage loan companies, credit unions and caisses populaires less interbank non-chequable notice deposits plus continuity adjustments.

M2++ (gross):

M2+(gross) plus Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments plus cumulative net contributions to mutual funds other than Canadian dollar money market mutual funds (which are already included in M2+ (gross)).

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Recent developments in the monetary aggregates and their implications
Bank of Canada Review, Spring 1998.

Selected monetary aggregates and their components (formerly E1)

Selected monthly measures of the amount of money in circulation, covering currency, various types of deposits and other retail instruments. This includes M2, M3, M2+, M2++, M1+, M1++.