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Historical chartered bank assets and liabilities: Selected seasonally adjusted series (formerly C8)

View or download the historical monthly data, last updated for reference month September 2020. For metadata and background information, see the notes.

Monthly series

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Monthly average, Millions of dollarsCANSIM2020‑052020‑062020‑072020‑082020‑09
Canadian dollar deposits
Personal deposits
Of which: Demand and noticeV41552799734,463747,524755,960767,139775,330
Of which: Fixed termV37135412,955416,832417,771414,985409,970
Non-personal deposits
Demand and noticeV41552800729,931753,464769,324793,429810,394
Canadian dollar assets
Less liquid assetsV371122,812,3922,819,3792,817,4402,845,0262,838,884
Total loansV371531,271,0631,260,6741,248,6811,257,2121,250,269
General loans (including grain dealers and installment finance companies)1 V371541,172,0031,161,3451,148,5611,156,7611,149,544
Total personal loansV37119512,894511,140511,265511,988513,788
Business loans1 V37120660,575649,642635,643642,323632,201
Residential mortgagesV371301,256,7141,262,4221,267,5501,274,9461,286,509
Bankers' acceptancesV3714093,39489,22886,83481,61081,703
Total1 V371333,581,9583,736,0413,773,8923,977,7293,878,712


Source: Bank of Canada

The data shown are monthly averages of Wednesdays prior to January 1994, and monthly averages of days thereafter. The series have been seasonally adjusted by means of X-13 ARIMA Seasonal Adjustment Program, which employs a ratio- to-moving-average technique on an observed data series that may be augmented by one year of ARIMA forecasted and backcasted data. Since the seasonal adjustment is recalculated when an additional 12 months of data become available, the series are subject to annual revisions. The individual series as well as the aggregates are adjusted independently; consequently, the seasonally adjusted components do not necessarily add to the totals. Data are available from July 1954. Users are referred to the notes to the tables in the December 1982 issue of the Review and in earlier issues for a description of the impact on the data of the 1967 Bank Act revisions.

Less liquid Canadian dollar assets consist principally of loans, mortgages, and non- Government of Canada securities.

Total loans do not include day-to-day loans, call loans, or residential mortgage loans.

General loans represent business and personal loans, loans to farmers, loans to religious, education, health and welfare institutions, and loans to grain dealers and to sales, finance and consumer loan companies. Loans to provinces and municipalities are not included.

Total personal loans include loans to purchase Canada Savings Bonds.

  1. 1. Unadjusted because it does not show stable seasonality.[]