Funds advanced and outstanding balances for new and existing lending by chartered banks

View or download the latest monthly data. For metadata and background information, see the notes.

Typically published within the third week of the month.


Funds advanced
Residential mortgages, insured, Total
Fixed rate, 5 years and over
Residential mortgages, uninsured, Total
Fixed rate, 5 years and over
Outstanding balances
Residential mortgages, insured, Total
Fixed rate, 5 years and over
Residential mortgages, uninsured, Total
Fixed rate, 5 years and over
Residential variable rate mortgages
Funds advanced
Total variable rate mortgages, Total
Consumer credit
Funds advanced for non-mortgage loans
Consumer credit, Total
Outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans
Consumer credit, Total
Credit extended to corporate sector for mortgage loans
Funds advanced
Business loans, Total
Credit extended to corporate sector
Outstanding balances
Business loans, Total

Monthly series

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Month-end, Millions of dollars CANSIM2024‑072024‑082024‑092024‑102024‑11
Funds advanced
Residential mortgages, insured, TotalV1226677247,8417,8466,7227,7927,926
Variable rateV1226677253414285928951,231
Fixed rate, <1 yearV122667726679652593699586
Fixed rate, 1 to <3 yearsV122667727945900754872783
Fixed rate, 3 to <5 yearsV1226677283,9743,9473,1353,5753,483
Fixed rate, 5 years and overV1226677291,9031,9181,6471,7511,843
Residential mortgages, uninsured, TotalV12266773034,69635,12029,65635,64636,764
Variable rateV1226677313,3414,0284,7037,46810,026
Fixed rate, <1 yearV1226677322,1612,0971,9332,4182,121
Fixed rate, 1 to <3 yearsV1226677335,9935,8405,0795,8055,135
Fixed rate, 3 to <5 yearsV12266773419,88820,02015,38717,14516,727
Fixed rate, 5 years and overV1226677353,3133,1352,5532,8092,755
Outstanding balances
Residential mortgages, insured, TotalV122667736383,776382,092382,783382,480382,120
Variable rateV12266773760,43159,88960,37860,88261,673
Fixed rate, <1 yearV1226677384,5014,3474,3754,4624,413
Fixed rate, 1 to <3 yearsV12266773925,07024,96024,93824,61724,147
Fixed rate, 3 to <5 yearsV12266774083,31486,38089,07791,76094,064
Fixed rate, 5 years and overV122667741210,461206,515204,016200,759197,822
Residential mortgages, uninsured, TotalV1226677421,164,9671,172,0931,177,0181,182,5161,188,932
Variable rateV122667743359,120358,215358,935362,099365,772
Fixed rate, <1 yearV12266774410,79011,15711,64012,27512,305
Fixed rate, 1 to <3 yearsV122667745139,640138,841137,666135,699132,836
Fixed rate, 3 to <5 yearsV122667746336,357350,776361,160371,996383,121
Fixed rate, 5 years and overV122667747319,059313,103307,615300,448294,898
  1. 1. As of January 2019, insured and uninsured residential mortgages exclude residential mortgages to the corporate sector.[]

Residential variable rate mortgages

Month-end, Millions of dollars CANSIM2024‑072024‑082024‑092024‑102024‑11
Funds advanced
Total variable rate mortgages, TotalV1226677483,8074,6045,4338,55911,511
Closed non-convertible variable rate mortgagesV1226677491,9472,2242,4343,7685,165
Closed convertible variable rate mortgagesV1226677501,5282,0882,6704,3965,854
Open variable rate mortgagesV122667751332293329395492

Consumer credit

Month-end, Millions of dollars CANSIM2024‑072024‑082024‑092024‑102024‑11
Funds advanced for non-mortgage loans
Consumer credit, TotalV12266775225,82624,90622,47525,74323,178
Personal loan plansV1226677534,9934,7644,4605,1584,402
Of which: Auto loansV1226677543,9473,8183,6764,3323,578
Personal lines of credit, securedV12266775513,43512,80811,38413,41812,506
Personal lines of credit, unsecuredV1226677564,4944,3814,0364,2823,979
Other personalV1226677572,9042,9542,5942,8852,292
Outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans
Consumer credit, TotalV122667758611,009612,939615,861617,687618,935
Personal loan plansV122667759121,914122,100122,487123,046123,194
Of which: Auto loansV122667760107,888108,151108,566109,149109,288
Credit card loansV12266776197,79898,70999,73399,501100,669
Personal lines of credit, securedV122667762302,006302,556303,547304,807305,299
Personal lines of credit, unsecuredV12266776370,01070,32170,75970,98270,983
Other personalV12266776419,28119,25319,33619,35118,791

Credit extended to corporate sector2

Month-end, Millions of dollars CANSIM2024‑072024‑082024‑092024‑102024‑11
Funds advanced
Business loans, TotalV122667765220,564184,707185,016201,100181,252
non-mortgage loans
To regulated non-bank financial institutionsV1226677668,0636,5026,5127,0076,547
Lease receivablesV122667767633646665745659
Loans to individuals and others for business purposesV122667768206,351172,698173,663187,567168,486
mortgage loans
Non-residential mortgagesV1226677693,2622,6332,4242,8583,036
Outstanding balances
Business loans, TotalV122667770881,396884,999887,985888,119895,507
non-mortgage loans
To regulated non-bank financial institutionsV12266777116,24316,37316,30916,83816,991
Lease receivablesV12266777218,27118,37818,38218,45518,504
Loans to individuals and others for business purposesV122667773662,478665,694667,832664,987671,223
mortgage loans
Non-residential mortgagesV12266777499,812100,17899,836100,377101,298
  1. 2. As of January 2019, Total business loans exclude non-residential mortgages to the personal sector.[]


Source: Bank of Canada

Federally-regulated credit unions and subsidiaries of non-bank financial institutions are excluded from the universe of chartered banks for the purposes of the Banking and Financial Statistics (BFS) tables. This treatment is consistent with the methodology used by Statistics Canada in their key economic and financial statistical programs (e.g., National Balance Sheet Accounts), which follows the NAICS framework.

The data shown is to provide information on the funds advanced and outstanding balances vis-à-vis new and existing loans, booked in Canada, in Canadian dollars only, to Canadian households and corporate sectors by institutions. Reporting coverage encompasses banks and foreign bank branches.

Information provided on mortgages and consumer credit tables represent credit extended to individuals for non-business purposes. These loans are those used to finance the acquisition of housing, consumer goods and services, including the acquisition of securities.

The funds advanced and outstanding balance section classify amounts across terms based on the term set at loan origination.

Funds advanced represents the cumulative total of new credit extended, new draws on existing credit facilities, mortgage or term-loan renewals and refinancing for a given month.

Outstanding balances are reported as month-end accounting book values, gross of allowances for expected credit losses. Outstanding balances for credit card lending is reported based on the closest billing cycle period.

Data collection on outstanding balances, auto-loans, open and closed variable rate residential mortgages began in July 2016.

For precise definitions of loan categories and general detail, please visit the Report on New and Existing Lending (A4) instructions on the OSFI website.