Business Outlook Survey Data

Each quarter, the Business Outlook Survey results are based on interviews with senior management of about 100 firms. You can view the latest quarterly data and download all available data. You can also find four quarter moving average data by firm size, region and sector.

Business Outlook Survey indicator

Chart 1: Business Outlook Survey indicator

The BOS indicator is re-estimated every quarter with the release of the Business Outlook Survey. As such, even though responses to BOS questions are never revised, the entire time series of the indicator is revised after every release.
BOS Indicator-3.02-2.35-2.86-2.29-1.18

Business activity

Chart 2: Past sales declines

Last observation:

Past Sales Declines
Did the overall level of your sales volume decline over the past 12 months, compared with the previous 12 months?
Yes (%)3924263033

Chart 3: Future sales growth

Future Sales Growth
Over the next 12 months, the rate of increase in your firm’s sales volume (compared with the past 12 months) is expected to be…
Balance of Opinion20111331
Greater (%)5033424353
Less (%)3032413021
Indicators of Future Sales
Compared with 12 months ago, have your recent indicators (order books, advanced bookings, sales inquiries, etc.)…
Balance of Opinion-104-11130
Deteriorated (%)4334372623
Improved (%)3338363853

Chart 4: Investment in machinery and equipment

Investment in Machinery and Equipment
Over the next 12 months, your firm’s investment spending on M&E (compared with the past 12 months) is expected to be…
Balance of Opinion22011932
Higher (%)4133353648
Lower (%)1933242716

Chart 5: Objectives of investment spending

Objectives of investment spending
What is the primary objective for your firm’s investment spending? (Multiple response options, share of firms)
Improve productivity4227293342
Increase Output4040383940
Replace or repair machinery or equipment5864546146

Chart 6: Credit conditions

Credit Conditions
Over the past 3 months, how have the terms and conditions for obtaining financing changed (compared with the previous 3 months)?
Balance of Opinion2940-7-3
Eased (%)615141714
Tightened (%)3519141010

Chart 7: Future employment level

Future Employment Level
Over the next 12 months, your firm’s level of employment is expected to be…
Balance of Opinion2132262833
Higher (%)3743384245
Lower (%)1611121412

Pressures on production capacity

Chart 8: Ability to meet demand

Ability to Meet Demand
How would you rate the current ability of your firm to meet an unexpected increase in demand?
Significant difficulty (% of firms)1561069
Some difficulty (% of firms)3047344130

Chart 9: Labour shortages

Labour Shortages
Does your firm face any shortages of labour that restrict your ability to meet demand?
Yes (% of firms)2722151817
Intensity of Labour Shortages
Compared with 12 months ago, are labour shortages generally…
Balance of Opinion-44-39-54-34-42
Less intense5652624453
More intense111381010

Wages, prices and inflation

Chart 10: Wage growth

Wage Growth
Over the next 12 months, are increases in labour costs expected to be higher, lower or about the same rate as over the past 12 months?
Balance of opinion *-22-18-46-36-42

Chart 11: Input price inflation

Input Price Inflation
Over the next 12 months, are prices of products/services purchased expected to increase at a greater, lesser, or the same rate as over the past year?
Balance of Opinion-57-48-32-28-33
Increase at a greater rate (%)1111161913
Increase at a lesser rate (%)6860484746

Chart 12: Output price inflation

Output Price Inflation
Over the next 12 months, are prices of products/services sold expected to increase at a greater, lesser, or the same rate as over the past year?
Balance of Opinion-21-18-23-28-1
Increase at a greater rate (%)2226232130
Increase at a lesser rate (%)4344464931

Chart 13: Inflation expectations

Inflation Expectations
Over the next two years, what do you expect the annual rate of inflation to be, based on the consumer price index?
Above 3 per cent (% of firms)5440411520
Below 1 per cent (% of firms)00020
No response (% of firms)439115
1 to 2 per cent (% of firms)3331024
2 to 3 per cent (% of firms)3954486251


For more information, see these references on the Business Outlook Survey.

Since the responses to the questions are calculated as percentages, when the sample is not exactly 100 firms, or respondents do not answer all questions, the results are rounded. Therefore, in some cases, calculating a balance of opinion using the greater and lesser categories may differ slightly from the actual balance of opinion. Also, totals may not always add to 100%.

In 1999Q2 and 2000Q2, the survey questions were asked to industry associations instead of businesses (74 associations in 1999Q2 and 66 associations in 2000Q2). See Martin and Papile (2004). In addition, the summer 2006 results for the labour shortages question presented on Chart 8 are not strictly comparable with those of other surveys, owing to a difference in the interview process for that survey.

In 2022Q4, the survey results for the core charts were recalculated over their history to account for two main changes. To better reflect results of informed responses, we have removed responses coded as “no response” (e.g., firms either responded that the question was not applicable, or they didn’t answer). Previous calculations would have treated firms without a response as reporting “no change”. Also, we have corrected some technical errors from early in the data history. In both cases, the changes are mostly negligible. The changes are reflected in all HTML pages in the past and going forward (past PDFs will not be adjusted).

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