November 3, 2003
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August 22, 2003
During the current power difficulties, the Bank of Canada in Ottawa has been operating from its back-up facility to provide essential services, such as monitoring financial markets and the critical clearing and settlement systems.
Bank of Canada Operations during Current Power Difficulties
Content Type(s):
Market notices
August 21, 2003
A consultation document on issues relating to the design and operation of the Real Return Bond program, prepared jointly by the Department of Finance and the Bank of Canada, is being published today.
Summer 2003 Consultations Views Sought on Issues Relating to the Design and Operation of The Real Return Bond Program
Content Type(s):
Market notices
April 8, 2003
In its Debt Management Strategy 2003/04, the government announced that the auction time for treasury bills would be moved to 10:30 a.m., on a trial basis, starting 22 April 2003.
Change in timing of auction of Government of Canada treasury bills from 12:30 p.m. to 10:30 a.m. (Ottawa time) starting 17 June 2003
Content Type(s):
Market notices
March 21, 2003
In December 2002, officials from the Department of Finance and the Bank of Canada consulted with market participants on a number of issues related to domestic debt programs. Comments received were taken into consideration in the development of the debt strategy for 2003/04.
Debt Management Strategy: Market Consultations for 2003/04 - Summary of Comments
Content Type(s):
Market notices
February 20, 2003
Canada's financial system consists of financial institutions, financial markets, and clearing and settlement systems. It is a key part of the infrastructure of our economy.
Call for Input: Improving Financial System Data in Canada
Content Type(s):
Market notices
February 18, 2003
As announced in the 2003 Budget, the Government will gradually reduce the fixed-rate portion of the debt from two-thirds to 60 per cent. The reduction will begin in the upcoming fiscal year and will be implemented in an orderly and transparent manner over the next five years to maintain a well-functioning Government of Canada securities market.
Government of Canada Debt Programs - Follow up to Change in Debt Structure Announced in 2003 Budget
Content Type(s):
Market notices
December 2, 2002
The Canadian Payments Association introduced the Large Value Transfer System, an electronic system for the transfer of payments, on 4 February 1999. Virtually all of the value of public sector payment flows and most payments related to wholesale market transactions now move through the LVTS.
Change to Bank of Canada Interest Rate Spread for Items Cleared through the Automated Clearing Settlement System (ACSS)
Content Type(s):
Market notices
November 25, 2002
A consultation document on issues relating to the design and operation of government debt programs for fiscal year 2003/04 and beyond, prepared jointly by the Department of Finance and the Bank of Canada, was published today. Debt-strategy planning is based on the fiscal outlook in the 2002 Economic and Fiscal Update released 30 October 2002, which projects that government borrowing in financial markets will remain near current levels.
Debt-Strategy Consultations 2003/04 - Views Sought on Issues Relating to the Design and Operation of Government Debt Programs in 2003/04 and Beyond
Content Type(s):
Market notices
November 25, 2002
Effective 9 December 2002, the turnaround time for Government of Canada securities auctions will be reduced from 15 minutes to 10 minutes, and the turnaround time for repurchase operations will be reduced from 30 minutes to 15 minutes. Coincident with these changes, the submission deadline for buybacks on a cash basis will be advanced from 1:15 p.m to 1:00 p.m.
Turnaround Time and Timing for Government of Canada Securities Auctions and Repurchase Operations
Content Type(s):
Market notices