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Renewing Ways of Doing Business

Renewing ways of doing business is about how we get things done. Read more about our goals, strategic actions and what success looks like.

Be connected and transparent

Goal 2.1 Be connected and transparent

Strategic Actions

  1. Develop and implement a more proactive and tailored strategic framework for stakeholder relations at the Bank
  2. Enhance dialogue and collaboration to maximize the Bank’s influence and to respond to emerging trends
  3. Deliver leading-edge digital communications

What success looks like

  • Stakeholder engagement strategies are enriched and consistently embedded in Bank initiatives, resulting in more effective communications; deeper, more trusted relationships; and greater opportunities for dialogue.
  • Surveys reveal a clearer picture of Bank audiences and their interests, improve our insight into the most effective ways to communicate with them, and allow us to focus our communications to maximize influence.
  • More publications and research are provided in digital format, resulting in greater consumption of Bank messages and information through flexible means that are responsive to audience needs.

Be nimble and resilient

Goal 2.2 Be nimble and resilient

Strategic Actions

  1. Strengthen our operational capabilities and resilience to withstand shocks and to evolve with changing conditions
  2. Maintain our operations and systems to sustain Bank resilience and flexibility
  3. Transform existing processes and practices to keep pace with changing technology, business and employee needs
  4. Renew mechanisms to manage capacity pressures and adjust quickly when circumstances change

What success looks like

  • Large programs—such as Business Recovery Enhancements (BRE), Cyber Security, and Resilience for Market and Banking Operations (RMBO)—are successfully delivered, reducing our risk levels and providing enhanced resilience to the Bank, as demonstrated through disaster-recovery testing and cyber posture assessments.
  • A proactive evergreening strategy is implemented to ensure that the Bank’s business systems and foundational technology are maintained to meet ongoing requirements.
  • Renewed processes and practices are developed and fully implemented, with a focus on risk reduction.
  • Dialogue and strategies to resolve competing priorities and constraints are promoted, resulting in choices that focus on doing what matters most.
  • Employee engagement levels for departments remain steady or improve.

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