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Conference on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance and Central Banking

The Bank of Canada, Bank of England, Bank of Spain, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and European Central Bank are organizing the 5th Conference on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Economics, Finance, and Central Banking to be held in person on March 7, 2024.

The conference is hosted by the Bank of Spain in Madrid and it is the fifth in a series of conferences that primarily focuses on issues encountered by under-represented groups in economics, finance and central banking.

For more details, visit the conference website or contact the committee by .

Call for papers

We invite pieces of research focused on cutting edge methods, measurement and analyses related to diversity, equity and inclusion. Submissions from groups which are traditionally under-represented in economics and finance are especially encouraged. We expect most papers to take the form of academic-style research. We are also open to studies from practitioners or involving other professions that draw on or shed light on the experience in the economics, finance and central banking professions, or that highlight the effects of practical steps to increase diversity and inclusion in all their forms.

Areas of particular interest on the fields of economics and finance include, but are not limited to:

  • Diversity and inclusivity at central banks and how they relate to research and decision making
  • The existence of gender, racial, or other demographic biases that may affect households’ and firms’ financial decisions and influence the efficacy of monetary policy
  • The implications of monetary policy for income, wealth and consumption inequality
  • The heterogeneous impacts of the recent inflation surge and other macroeconomic shocks for different demographic groups

Submission process

Completed manuscripts or extended abstracts should be submitted by using the subject line: “Submission for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference 2024”.

The deadline for submission is October 17, 2023.

A strong preference will be given to completed manuscripts. Extended abstracts should demonstrate depth of work on methodology, data sources and expected research findings.


Contributions will be selected by the program committee that consists of researchers from each of the five central banks. Authors chosen to present will be notified by December 2, 2023. Authors of accepted abstracts should submit the completed manuscript no later than January 31, 2024.

Travel expenses

There is no conference fee. Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses will be covered for presenters of accepted papers.

We are planning for the conference to be held in-person. At the same time, we understand that not everyone will be able to travel to Madrid, due to personal circumstances or traveling restrictions. Please let us know if this would be your case as we might enable authors to present their work remotely.


  • October 17, 2023: Deadline to submit your paper or extended abstract
  • December 2, 2023: Last day for notifying the authors of the accepted papers
  • January 31, 2024: Deadline to submit the completed draft of your paper
  • March 7, 2024: Conference
Please direct all inquiries and correspondence to the committee by .

Previous conferences

Content Type(s): Conferences and workshops

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