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Debt Management Strategy Consultations - 2014-15

The Department of Finance and the Bank of Canada are seeking views of government securities distributors, institutional investors, and other interested parties on issues related to the design and operation of the Government of Canada’s domestic debt program for 2014-15 and beyond. The government considers regular consultations with market participants to be an integral part of the debt management process.

This year’s consultations are focused on obtaining views on the functioning of Government of Canada treasury bill and bond markets as well as on the terms governing Government of Canada securities auctions. The consultations exercise also seeks to gain greater insight into retail investor demand for and access to wholesale Government of Canada securities.

The Debt Management Strategy consultation period will close on 15 November 2013. A summary of comments received from market participants will be made available on the Bank of Canada’s website concurrently with the release of the Debt Management Strategy for 2014-15.

See also: 2014-15 Debt Management Strategy Consultations

For further information, please contact:

Assistant Director, Debt Management
Funds Management and Banking Department
Bank of Canada
613 782-7836

Chief, Debt Management Policy
Financial Markets Division
Department of Finance
613 992-6116


Bank of Canada
613 782-8782

Content Type(s): Press, Market notices