In accordance with the schedule of Term Loan Facility (TLF) auctions announced on 24 April (see schedule), the Bank of Canada announced today that it will conduct a TLF operation.
In accordance with the schedule of term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) auctions announced on 21 April (see schedule), the Bank of Canada announced today that it will conduct a term PRA operation.
In accordance with the schedule of term purchase and resale agreement (PRA) auctions for private sector instruments announced on 24 April (see schedule), the Bank of Canada announced today that it will conduct a term PRA operation for private sector instruments.
Today, the Quarterly Bond Schedule is being published on the Bank of Canada's website in conjunction with the release of the NHA MBS Auction Schedule on the website of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
The temporary reciprocal currency arrangements (swap lines) between the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks have been extended to 1 February 2010.