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Bank of Canada Announces Research Fellowship for 2007

The Bank of Canada today announced that Professor Jean-Marie Dufour of the Université de Montréal is the recipient of the Bank's Research Fellowship for 2007.

Professor Dufour, one of Canada's leading econometricians, has earned international recognition for his work on a wide array of topics relevant to the analysis of macroeconomic and financial data.

"Professor Dufour is a world-class econometrician whose work is improving the way economists use statistical tools and techniques," said David Dodge, Governor of the Bank of Canada. "The Bank is proud to have this exceptional Canadian researcher as a Fellowship recipient."

The Bank's Fellowship Program is designed to encourage leading-edge research and to develop expertise in Canada in a number of areas critical to the Bank's mandate: macroeconomics, monetary economics, international finance, as well as the economics of financial markets and institutions, including their stability.

With the selection of Professor Dufour, the Bank now has a total of six Fellowship recipients. Previous recipients of the award are: Professor Michael Devereux of the University of British Columbia (2003), Professor Shouyong Shi of the University of Toronto (2003), Professor René Garcia of the Université de Montréal (2004), Professor Paul Beaudry of the University of British Columbia (2005), and Professor Gregor Smith of Queen's University (2006).

The application deadline for the 2008 Fellowship is 15 November 2007. For more information on the Fellowship Program, visit or call 613 782-8888.

Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
Source(s): Fellowship Program