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The Long-Term Effects of Cross-Listing, Investor Recognition, and Ownership Structure on Valuation

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The authors show that the widening of a foreign firm's U.S. investor base and the improved information environment associated with cross-listing on a U.S. exchange each have a separately identifiable effect on a firm's valuation. The increase in valuation associated with cross-listing is transitory, not permanent. Valuations of Canadian firms peak in the year of cross-listing and fall monotonically thereafter, regardless of the level of U.S. investor holdings or the ownership structure of the firm. Cross-listed firms with a 20 per cent or more blockholder attract a similar number of U.S. institutional investors as widely held firms, on average, but experience a lower increase in valuation at high levels of investor recognition. While U.S. investors are less willing to invest in firms with dual-class shares, these firms benefit more from cross-listing even when they fail to widen their U.S. investor base, suggesting that the reduction in information asymmetry between controlling and minority investors has a separate impact on valuation for firms where agency problems are greatest.

Published In:

The Review of Financial Studies (0893-9454)
June 2009. Vol. 22, Iss. 6, pp. 2393-2421

JEL Code(s): G, G1, G12, G15