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Daily exchange rates: Lookup tool

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All Bank of Canada exchange rates are indicative rates only, obtained from averages of aggregated price quotes from financial institutions. For details, please read our full Terms and Conditions.

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View data for the past:

US dollar (USD)

US dollar (USD)
Low [High] 2021-03-16 1.2455 CAD [0.8029 USD]
Average 2021-03-01 — 2021-03-31 1.2574 CAD [0.7953 USD]
High [Low] 2021-03-05 1.2668 CAD [0.7894 USD]

2021-03-01 1.2661 0.7898
2021-03-02 1.2626 0.7920
2021-03-03 1.2631 0.7917
2021-03-04 1.2637 0.7913
2021-03-05 1.2668 0.7894
2021-03-08 1.2660 0.7899
2021-03-09 1.2635 0.7915
2021-03-10 1.2637 0.7913
2021-03-11 1.2561 0.7961
2021-03-12 1.2493 0.8004
2021-03-15 1.2480 0.8013
2021-03-16 1.2455 0.8029
2021-03-17 1.2465 0.8022
2021-03-18 1.2458 0.8027
2021-03-19 1.2506 0.7996
2021-03-22 1.2513 0.7992
2021-03-23 1.2562 0.7961
2021-03-24 1.2562 0.7961
2021-03-25 1.2606 0.7933
2021-03-26 1.2580 0.7949
2021-03-29 1.2594 0.7940
2021-03-30 1.2631 0.7917
2021-03-31 1.2575 0.7952


  • The daily average exchange rates are published once each business day by 16:30 ET.
  • If you select a date that falls on a weekend, the search will display rates for the closest business day(s) to that date. Leading and trailing date ranges where the exchange rate for a currency does not exist are omitted.

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