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Governor’s Award nominations

Find out the eligibility and process for Governor’s Award nominations.

The nomination period for the 2025 Governor's Award is open from September 6 to November 29, 2024.


A Canadian university may nominate one or more candidates who meet the eligibility criteria.


The nominating university and the independent referees are required to submit their nomination documents as individual files by by November 29, 2024.

To be submitted by the nominating university

1. Cover page

Send a cover page with this information about the nominee:

  • name
  • position/title
  • department
  • PhD information (year obtained and field of study)
  • mailing address
  • telephone number (work and home)
  • email address
  • Google Scholar ID Link
  • ORCID ID Link (optional)

2. Nomination letter

Send a nomination letter signed by an official representative of the university (e.g. President, Dean of the Department, etc.) which includes confirmation that the nominee meets the eligibility requirements and is in good standing (1 to 2 pages recommended). In drafting the nomination letter, please keep in mind that the Fellowship Nominating Committee is comprised of academic members and other executives with varying degrees of subject matter expertise.

3. Curriculum vitae (CV) and CV summary

Send the nominee’s curriculum vitae (CV), by using the provided CV example as a guideline.

Please do not include the following within the CV:

  • papers in progress (this can be reflected in the Research Program and Plan)
  • reprinted articles
  • attendance at a conference (unless as a speaker or presenter)

In addition to the CV, please also send the nominee’s CV summary, which lists for the past 10 years:

  • academic journal publications
  • forthcoming journal publications (e.g., articles submitted for publication not yet published)
  • academic chapters in books
  • other writings and publications (e.g., includes whole books/textbooks/edited volumes, book/paper reviews, encyclopedia entries, reports to government or Think Tanks, Op-Ed articles, and newspaper articles.)
  • conference presentations
  • honors, awards and grants

4. Research program and plan

Send a document that describes the nominee’s current research program, and the research planned during the period of the award. The document should be a maximum of 6 pages including references and works cited.

5. Recent paper and four abstracts

Send a copy of a recent paper by the nominee, together with abstracts of four additional papers. These may be either published or unpublished and authored or co-authored by the nominee.

To be submitted by independent referee

1. Reference letter (optional)

The nominee is encouraged but not required to have an independent referee submit a letter on their behalf. A signed copy of the letter should be sent by the referee directly by .

For more information on the nomination documents, see the Fellowship Program Q&A.

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