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All Bank of Canada exchange rates are indicative rates only, obtained from averages of aggregated price quotes from financial institutions. For details, please read our full Terms and Conditions.

Conversions are based on Bank of Canada exchange rates, which are published each business day by 16:30 ET.

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View data for the past:

Canadian dollar → US dollar

Exchange rate summary
Low 2024-04-16 0.7235
Average 2024-02-19 — 2024-05-20 0.7347
High 2024-03-08 0.7423


Date Value of 1.00 CAD in USD CAD → USD USD → CAD
2024-02-19 Bank holiday Bank holiday Bank holiday
2024-02-20 0.74 USD 0.7398 1.3518
2024-02-21 0.74 USD 0.7401 1.3512
2024-02-22 0.74 USD 0.7411 1.3494
2024-02-23 0.74 USD 0.7411 1.3494
2024-02-26 0.74 USD 0.7399 1.3515
2024-02-27 0.74 USD 0.7396 1.3521
2024-02-28 0.74 USD 0.7367 1.3574
2024-02-29 0.74 USD 0.7369 1.3570
2024-03-01 0.74 USD 0.7372 1.3564
2024-03-04 0.74 USD 0.7368 1.3572
2024-03-05 0.74 USD 0.7363 1.3582
2024-03-06 0.74 USD 0.7392 1.3528
2024-03-07 0.74 USD 0.7422 1.3474
2024-03-08 0.74 USD 0.7423 1.3471
2024-03-11 0.74 USD 0.7412 1.3491
2024-03-12 0.74 USD 0.7408 1.3499
2024-03-13 0.74 USD 0.7423 1.3472
2024-03-14 0.74 USD 0.7401 1.3512
2024-03-15 0.74 USD 0.7389 1.3533
2024-03-18 0.74 USD 0.7385 1.3541
2024-03-19 0.74 USD 0.7363 1.3581
2024-03-20 0.74 USD 0.7375 1.3559
2024-03-21 0.74 USD 0.7394 1.3525
2024-03-22 0.74 USD 0.7357 1.3593
2024-03-25 0.74 USD 0.7362 1.3583
2024-03-26 0.74 USD 0.7368 1.3572
2024-03-27 0.74 USD 0.7360 1.3587
2024-03-28 0.74 USD 0.7380 1.3550
2024-03-29 Bank holiday Bank holiday Bank holiday
2024-04-01 0.74 USD 0.7367 1.3574
2024-04-02 0.74 USD 0.7368 1.3572
2024-04-03 0.74 USD 0.7387 1.3537
2024-04-04 0.74 USD 0.7405 1.3504
2024-04-05 0.74 USD 0.7354 1.3598
2024-04-08 0.74 USD 0.7363 1.3582
2024-04-09 0.74 USD 0.7365 1.3578
2024-04-10 0.73 USD 0.7315 1.3671
2024-04-11 0.73 USD 0.7304 1.3692
2024-04-12 0.73 USD 0.7264 1.3766
2024-04-15 0.73 USD 0.7265 1.3764
2024-04-16 0.72 USD 0.7235 1.3821
2024-04-17 0.73 USD 0.7250 1.3794
2024-04-18 0.73 USD 0.7265 1.3764
2024-04-19 0.73 USD 0.7274 1.3748
2024-04-22 0.73 USD 0.7291 1.3715
2024-04-23 0.73 USD 0.7314 1.3673
2024-04-24 0.73 USD 0.7294 1.3709
2024-04-25 0.73 USD 0.7305 1.3689
2024-04-26 0.73 USD 0.7316 1.3668
2024-04-29 0.73 USD 0.7322 1.3658
2024-04-30 0.73 USD 0.7275 1.3746
2024-05-01 0.73 USD 0.7268 1.3759
2024-05-02 0.73 USD 0.7300 1.3698
2024-05-03 0.73 USD 0.7314 1.3672
2024-05-06 0.73 USD 0.7320 1.3661
2024-05-07 0.73 USD 0.7297 1.3705
2024-05-08 0.73 USD 0.7281 1.3734
2024-05-09 0.73 USD 0.7304 1.3692
2024-05-10 0.73 USD 0.7318 1.3665
2024-05-13 0.73 USD 0.7314 1.3672
2024-05-14 0.73 USD 0.7324 1.3653
2024-05-15 0.73 USD 0.7345 1.3615
2024-05-16 0.73 USD 0.7342 1.3620
2024-05-17 0.73 USD 0.7345 1.3615
2024-05-20 Bank holiday Bank holiday Bank holiday

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