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Currency Converter

All Bank of Canada exchange rates are indicative rates only, obtained from averages of aggregated price quotes from financial institutions. For details, please read our full Terms and Conditions.

Conversions are based on Bank of Canada exchange rates, which are published each business day by 16:30 ET.

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View data for the past:

UK pound sterling → Canadian dollar

Exchange rate summary
Low 2024-04-26 1.7073
Average 2024-04-26 — 2024-05-13 1.7153
High 2024-04-30 1.7202


Date Value of 3,000.00 GBP in CAD GBP → CAD CAD → GBP
2024-04-26 5,121.90 CAD 1.7073 0.5857
2024-04-29 5,142.00 CAD 1.7140 0.5834
2024-04-30 5,160.60 CAD 1.7202 0.5813
2024-05-01 5,156.40 CAD 1.7188 0.5818
2024-05-02 5,141.70 CAD 1.7139 0.5835
2024-05-03 5,150.10 CAD 1.7167 0.5825
2024-05-06 5,152.80 CAD 1.7176 0.5822
2024-05-07 5,153.10 CAD 1.7177 0.5822
2024-05-08 5,146.50 CAD 1.7155 0.5829
2024-05-09 5,138.70 CAD 1.7129 0.5838
2024-05-10 5,134.80 CAD 1.7116 0.5842
2024-05-13 5,151.00 CAD 1.7170 0.5824

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