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Reporting on Provincial Bond Purchase Program purchases

The Bank of Canada has updated its reporting on assets purchased for the Provincial Bond Purchase Program (PBPP). The PBPP supports the liquidity and efficiency of provincial government funding markets.

Details for each operation—including the maximum purchase amount and eligible maturity range—as well as the aggregate results of each operation will be published on the program’s website.

In addition, the Bank published each province and territory’s current share of the PBPP reference portfolio. These reference weights will be updated monthly. The Bank will also report every month with a one-month lag the percentage share and the par value of the holdings for each province and territory. Actual holdings will depend of what is offered through the tender offer process and may differ from the reference portfolio.

The Bank of Canada continues to closely monitor global and domestic market developments and remains committed to providing all the liquidity the financial system needs so that it can continue to serve Canadians.

Managing Director
BMO Global Asset Management

Financial Markets Department
Bank of Canada

Bank of Canada