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Operational details for the upcoming Expansion of the Bank of Canada’s Bond Buyback Program

Consistent with the announcement that the Bank of Canada (the Bank), acting as fiscal agent, will extend its buybacks across all benchmark maturity sectors, the Bank is announcing today the following operations for this week and next week:

  • A switch buyback operation on Thursday, March 19th in the 10-year sector.
  • A switch buyback operation on Monday, March 23rd in the 5-year sector.
  • As announced in the Quarterly Bond Schedule, a switch buyback operation will take place on Wednesday, March 25th in the 30-year sector. Please note that the details about the operation will no longer be communicated on March 19th and instead will be communicated at a later date.

The Bank will announce the specific operational details (timing, maximum size of replacement Bond and Buyback basket) ahead of each operation through its regular Call for Tenders process. The Bank monitors market developments closely and remains committed to adding market liquidity and supporting price discovery while preserving neutrality and transparency.

For market participants:

Scott Kinnear
Financial Markets Department
Bank of Canada

Mark de Guzman
Financial Markets Department
Bank of Canada

For media:

Media Relations
Bank of Canada

Content Type(s): Press, Market notices