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Bank of Canada announces the minimum yield for today’s Banker’s Acceptance Purchase Facility operation

The minimum yield for today's BA Purchase Facility is 0.43%.

Additional operational details are as follows:

Amount (billions) Reverse auction date Settlement date Eligible maturity range
$20 March 30, 2020 April 1, 2020 Up to July 21, 2020

Primary dealers are asked to submit their offers using the Bank provided submission spreadsheet between 8:30 (ET) and 9:00 (ET) on the day of the operation. Offers are to be submitted to The results will be announced on the Bank’s website as soon as possible following the operation.

Further details related to these operations are available in the Terms and Conditions for Bankers’ Acceptance Purchase Facility.

Mark de Guzman
Financial Markets Department
Bank of Canada

Scott Kinnear
Financial Markets Department
Bank of Canada

Media Relations
Bank of Canada