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Results of the 2 October 2008 Sale of Treasury Bills for Balance Sheet Management Purposes

Amount Maturity Yield and Equivalent Price Allotment Ratio
$1,600,000,000 2008.10.16 Avg: 1.396% 99.94648
Low: 1.090% 99.95821
High: 1.480% 99.94327 80.00000
$1,900,000,000 2008.10.30 Avg: 1.430% 99.89042
Low: 1.090% 99.91645
High: 1.549% 99.88131 75.00000
$500,000,000 2008.12.11 Avg.: 1.479% 99.71716
Low: 1.380% 99.73604
High: 1.490% 99.71506 90.00000
Content Type(s): Press, Market notices