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Spring 2007 Consultations Document – Auction Plan for Real Return Bonds

In April 2007, officials from the Department of Finance and the Bank of Canada sought the views of institutional investors, government securities distributors, and other interested parties regarding the auction plan for Real Return Bonds (RRBs). The consultations were undertaken in view of the announcement, in the Debt Management Strategy for 2007/08, of an increase in the issuance of RRBs to slightly over $2 billion.

The quarterly auction pattern for RRB issuance will be maintained for 2007/08. The auction size will continue to be announced a week prior to the auction based on the debt strategy plan, market conditions, and coupon reinvestment flows.

The Department of Finance and the Bank of Canada wish to thank all parties who participated in the spring consultation process.

Cynthia Richardson
Financial Markets Division
Department of Finance
613 987-3919

Marc Larson
Assistant Director
Financial Markets Department
Bank of Canada
613 782-7836

Content Type(s): Press, Market notices