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Quarterly Bond Schedule and Changes to the Buyback Programs

Today, the Quarterly Bond Schedule is being published on the Bank of Canada's website in conjunction with the release of the NHA MBS Auction Schedule on the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's website.

To provide a source of liquidity for off-the-run Government of Canada securities, and in light of additional funding requirements, the following changes are being made to the cash management and regular buyback programs:

  • The existing buyback floors will be reduced to $3 billion for all maturities;
  • Buyback operations will be scaled back for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Accordingly, the document entitled Details on Bond Buyback Operations, posted on the Bank of Canada website, has been updated.

For further information, please contact:
Marc Larson
Assistant Director
Funds Management and Banking Department
Bank of Canada
613 782-7836
Marie-Josée Lambert
Chief, Debt Management Policy
Financial Markets Division
Department of Finance
613 992-6116
Content Type(s): Press, Market notices