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Historical chartered bank assets: Month-end (formerly C3)

View or download the historical monthly data, last updated for reference month September 2020. For metadata and background information, see the notes.

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Month-end, Millions of dollarsCANSIM2020‑052020‑062020‑072020‑082020‑09
Canadian dollar assets
Cash and cash equivalent
Bank notes, deposits with Bank of Canada, cheques and other items in transit (net)V53006708224,110266,845286,964314,328447,483
Deposits with regulated financial institutionsV3693542,72139,76239,86037,91739,123
Total1 V53006709266,831306,607326,824352,245486,605
Issued or guaranteed by Canada, Canadian province, Canadian municipal or school corporation
Treasury bills and other short-term paperV53006711180,895189,808173,548151,650155,263
Of which: Securities issued by the Government of CanadaV37324144,692140,644123,818106,313103,112
Non-mortgage loans
Call and short loansV36896413283199237347
Federal government provinces and municipalitiesV369214,6034,5254,7904,6695,002
Personal loansV36924510,700513,115513,315517,239519,412
Business loans
Reverse reposV36926256,970243,124237,099248,320237,704
Leasing receivablesV3692015,12815,27815,35815,37415,426
Total1 V530067131,194,2021,176,9071,162,4951,177,2921,169,842
Total loans1 V530067142,533,1762,525,0252,519,5452,545,5992,550,265
Customers' liability under acceptancesV3693387,64585,01384,90281,91581,742
Other Canadian dollar assetsV36934237,929249,297374,322556,107113,208
Total Canadian dollar assets1 V368853,725,5733,775,8573,905,5314,110,2353,803,175
Total foreign currency assetsV368843,436,1883,340,5473,183,2612,943,1313,292,947
Total assets1 V368837,161,7617,116,4057,088,7927,053,3657,096,122


Source: Bank of Canada, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

Data in Chartered bank assets: Month-end (formerly C3) and Chartered bank liabilities and shareholders’ equity: Month-end (formerly C4) summarize total chartered bank assets and liabilities at month-end from November 1981 onward. These data are, for the most part, a continuation of month-end assets and liabilities based on the consolidated monthly balance sheet return, Schedule J of the 1980 Bank Act and Schedule M of the 1967 Bank Act. The earlier month-end data are available in the December 1982 Review and in previous issues. In addition to the format changes, the data in Chartered bank assets: Month-end (formerly C3) and Chartered bank liabilities and shareholders’ equity: Month-end (formerly C4) differ from earlier data because of changes in the level of consolidation and other accounting practices. From November 1981, data include all wholly and majority owned subsidiaries of the chartered banks, and accrued interest is not included in the various asset and liability items but rather is included in other assets and other liabilities. Prior to this date, the data consolidated only foreign wholly owned banking subsidiaries, and accrued interest was included in the related asset or liability item. Equity accounting is used to take account of a bank’s investment in companies in which it holds at least 20 per cent and not more than 50 per cent of the companies’ voting shares. The data in Chartered bank assets: Month-end (formerly C3) and Chartered bank liabilities and shareholders’ equity: Month-end (formerly C4) differ from data prior to November 1981 in the following ways: (i) all debt securities are valued at amortized value, (ii) interim profits are transferred to retained earnings quarterly rather than at the end of each fiscal year, and (iii) letters of credit and guarantees are no longer included as balance sheet items. All these changes are described in more detail in the article “The new chartered bank statistical reporting system,” published in the November 1981 issue of the Review.

Since November 1996, Other Canadian dollar assets and Other liabilities include, on a gross basis on both sides of the balance sheet, the unrealized gains and losses on marked-to-market bank derivatives positions (unless they meet certain criteria). These had previously been reported on a net basis on one side of the balance sheet. Beginning in November 2006 due to the fair value accounting standards the unrealized gains and losses will be reported in Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income.

Corporate securities include securities of corporations associated with banks that consist of all common and preferred shares, debt securities, and the chartered banks’ share of the earnings of these companies. Associated corporations are those companies in which a bank owns at least 20 per cent and not more than 50 per cent of the voting shares.

Call and short loans to investment dealers and stockbrokers include special call loans. Special call loans can be liquidated by either borrower or lender on the same day that notice is given or in 24 hours after notice is given. They are typically secured by short- term paper and other money market securities. Data prior to July 1992 include day-to-day loans.

Leasing receivables reflect the financial leasing activities of wholly owned chartered bank leasing subsidiaries carried on according to Section 464 of the 1991 Bank Act. Residential mortgages are loans secured by real estate, including buildings of which at least 50 per cent of the floor space is used or will be used for permanent private accommodation. Non-residential mortgages are all mortgages not classified as residential, such as those on hotels, stores, office buildings, garages, theatres, warehouses, industrial plants, institutional properties, farms, and vacant land.

Other assets include land, buildings and equipment, and other assets.

  1. 1. Owing to the absence of some detail in foreign currency positions for 2009 which are used to derive the Canadian dollars positions, components do not add up to the total.[]