The financial turbulence over the past year has been costly and difficult for many individuals and financial institutions; it's been challenging for policy-makers; and it's had implications for the overall economy.
The Bank of Canada today released its 2009 schedule of eight dates for announcing decisions on its key policy interest rate, and confirmed the announcement dates for the remainder of this year.
The Bank of Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark E. Caplan as Senior Representative and Director, Toronto Office (Financial Markets), effective September 2008. Mr. Caplan will replace Ross MacKinnon, who is retiring.
In the Update, the Bank described three major developments affecting the Canadian economy: protracted weakness in the U.S. economy, ongoing turbulence in global financial markets, and sharp increases in certain commodity prices, particularly energy.
The Bank of Canada today released its July Monetary Policy Report Update. In it, the Bank described three major developments affecting the Canadian economy: protracted weakness in the U.S. economy, ongoing turbulence in global financial markets, and sharp increases in the prices of certain commodities, particularly energy.
The Bank of Canada today announced the appointment of Angelo Melino, Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Toronto, and Frank Milne, BMO Professor of Economics and Finance in the Department of Economics at Queen's University, as Special Advisers for the year 2008-09.
There are two broad classes of arguments for greater flexibility in the design and application of monetary policy frameworks. The BIS has done a great deal of useful work on asset-price targeting in particular and on the complicated interplay between monetary policy and financial stability in general.